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LightWorkers Circle


The Divine Empress VIP 

Help Others. Heal Yourself.

The LightWorkers Circle & Divine Empress Club 


You are a LightWorker if you have a special desire to help other people 


You have Extreme Empathy and Compassion for others


You are a LightWorker if you have taken up Spiritual practices in order to help and heal others


If you read Tarot, Practice Reiki, Channel Spirits on the other side, then YOU are a LightWorker


You are here to help raise the vibrations of the world!


You just want to share your knowledge for the GOOD of others


If this is You, Then you will Love the LightWorkers Circle


In this Circle we come together as LightWorkers to practice and grow our abilities!


As a Collective our Energy Amplifies to increase our connection and skills


You can learn everything you can about your Abilitlies, but the truth is, if you don't use it, it will stay dormant


The more you Practice, the stronger  your Gifts get!


What's a better way to practice, then with Women that are in your shoes


You will learn from each other & grow together


If you are ready to Go Deeper, and Help More, Then I invite you to join the LightWorkers Circle!



How Does the Circle Work?


We meet for circle the first and third Wednesday of every month at 8:30 pm EST.


I will take you through a meditation and a lesson from Spirit, and then we will practice different intuitive exercises.


You will also get access to my library including clearing meditations, intuitive exercises, third eye and crown chakra Reiki, and coaching videos. 


Coming together in a group like this magnifies the energy of not only the members but also spirit guides, angels and spirits! It's intense!


In this group, we will learn from each other, gain confidence, help each other and all our energy will excel everyone to the NEXT level. 


This membership is for you if you want to deepen your connection and intensify your skills.


The LightWorkers Circle gives you access to the Divine Empress membership level. 


You get it all! Live messages, Reiki, tarot, and circle! If you're here 100% to make an impact in this world this LightWorkers Circle is for you!


This is my highest level, mentorship membership!



Ruby C.

That was so much fun. Can’t wait for next time. 😊


Neva B.

This circle was awesome! Thank you to all that participated for sharing your energy!


I can't believe with no experience I am Reading People's Energy!  It's so easy how you teach it! Love practicing on other members of the group with your guidance.  I am so glad I joined!

The Circle

We meet for Circle Every 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the Month


You will go through a Clearing Meditation, Get a Message from Spirit, and Practice your Gifts


Live Reiki Weekly

Energy Healing to help you release pain from the past & limited beliefs 

Video Library 

You get access to a library of Videos that will keep you Healing and Inspired! 

Guidance Sessions 

Weekly Live "Office Hours" to discuss your personal struggles. 


Come get Guidance on how to handle the situations you are going through at the moment

Group Support 

Once Enrolled you will Receive Access to a Private LightWorkers Facebook Group for all Members. 


All members also receive 10% off all 1:1 sessions with me.

Join The LightWorkers Circle & The Divine Empress Club Now

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